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Ashley Black spent over 20 years educating herself and developing her skills learning everything related to fascia tissue. From her experience she began her product development to achieve physical leverage that would allow people to self-treat themselves. That journey led her to the original FasciaBlaster® device and then to many other fascia tissue related products. Ashley has become an award-winning prolific inventor.

Ashley Diana Black International Holdings LLC has invested millions of dollars in performing research and design to create high-quality products for people to perform self-treatment on their fascia tissue. Because the company is committed to its customers in achieving their highest level of fascia tissue fitness, the company is committed to protecting its products with patents to help maintain the market free from imposters and copycats who have not made the scientific and research investments that Ashley has over many years.

In accordance with Section 287(a) of Title 35 of the United States Code, the reader is hereby placed on notice of Ashley Diana Black International Holdings LLC’s rights in the United States Patents listed on this site and associated with the following products.

Ashley Black - Active Trademarks Country Status Filing Date Reg. Number Reg. Date Int Classes
AB (AND DESIGN) Argentina Registered Apr-24-2017 2975299 Feb 4 2019 3
AB (AND DESIGN) Argentina Registered Apr-24-2017 2975300 Feb 4 2019 10
AB (AND DESIGN) Brazil Published Apr-13-2017 3
AB (AND DESIGN) Brazil Registered Apr-13-2017 912586710 Nov-6-2018 10
AB (AND DESIGN) Canada Registered Apr-25-2017 1090034 Dec-17-2020 3,10,11
AB (AND DESIGN) Hong Kong Registered Jun-08-2017 304166488 Jun-08-2017 03, 10
AB (AND DESIGN) Madrid Protocol Registered Apr-12-2017 1386016 Apr-12-2017 03, 10, 11
AB (AND DESIGN) United States of America Registered Oct-26-2016 5,697,809 Mar-12-2019 03, 09, 10, 18, 38, 41, 42, 44
AB (AND DESIGN) (child application) United States of America Registered Oct-26-2016 5,869,386 Sep-24-2019 09,21
AB (AND DESIGN) (WIPO) Australia Registered Apr-12-2017 1903705 Apr-12-2017 03, 10, 11
AB (AND DESIGN) (WIPO) Colombia Approved Apr-12-2017 13586806 Apr-30-2019 3 10
AB (AND DESIGN) (WIPO) European Community Registered Apr-12-2017 1386016 Apr-12-2017 03, 10, 11
AB (AND DESIGN) (WIPO) India Published Apr-12-2017 Apr-12-2017 03, 10, 11
AFTER BLASTER United States of America Registered Nov-24-2015 5277128 Aug-29-2017 3
ASHLEY BLACK GURU United States of America Published Feb-13-2019 88299814 11-27-2019 9,10,27,35,38,41,42,44
ASHLEY BLACK GURU UAE Published Aug-12-2019 Sept 30 2019 9,10,27, 35,41,42,44
ASHLEY BLACK GURU UAE Registered Aug-12-2019 315355 Aug 30 2019 10
ASHLEY BLACK GURU UAE Registered Aug-12-2019 315354 Aug 30 2019 9
ASHLEY BLACK'S Argentina Published Apr-19-2017 3
ASHLEY BLACK'S Argentina Published Apr-19-2017 9
ASHLEY BLACK'S Argentina Published Apr-19-2017 10
ASHLEY BLACK'S Argentina Published Apr-19-2017 11
ASHLEY BLACK'S Argentina Published Apr-19-2017 18
ASHLEY BLACK'S Argentina Published Apr-19-2017 20
ASHLEY BLACK'S Argentina Published Apr-19-2017 25
ASHLEY BLACK'S Argentina Published Apr-19-2017 28
ASHLEY BLACK'S Argentina Published Apr-19-2017 35
ASHLEY BLACK'S Argentina Published Apr-19-2017 41
ASHLEY BLACK'S Argentina Published Apr-19-2017 44
ASHLEY BLACK'S Brazil Registered Apr-13-2017 912586842 Jan-8-2019 3
ASHLEY BLACK'S Brazil Registered Apr-13-2017 912586788 Jan-8-2019 9
ASHLEY BLACK'S Brazil Registered Apr-13-2017 912586761 Jan-8-2019 10
ASHLEY BLACK'S Brazil Published Apr-13-2017 11
ASHLEY BLACK'S Brazil Published Apr-13-2017 18
ASHLEY BLACK'S Brazil Published Apr-13-2017 20
ASHLEY BLACK'S Brazil Published Apr-13-2017 25
ASHLEY BLACK'S Brazil Registered Apr-13-2017 912587172 Jan-8-2019 28
ASHLEY BLACK'S Brazil Registered Apr-13-2017 912587156 Jan-8-2019 35
ASHLEY BLACK'S Brazil Registered Apr-13-2017 912587245 Jan-8-2019 41
ASHLEY BLACK'S Brazil Registered Apr-13-2017 912587202 Jan-8-2019 44
ASHLEY BLACK'S Hong Kong Published Jun-08-2017 03, 09, 10, 18, 27, 28, 38, 41, 44
ASHLEY BLACK'S Hong Kong Published Jun-08-2017 20, 35
ASHLEY BLACK'S Madrid Protocol Published Apr-12-2017 1385960 Aug-2-2017 03, 09, 10, 20, 27, 28, 35, 38, 41, 44
ASHLEY BLACK'S United Arab Emirates Application allowed Apr-20-2017 3
ASHLEY BLACK'S United States of America Registered Oct-21-2016 5362599 Dec-26-2017 3
ASHLEY BLACK'S (WIPO) European Community Registered Apr-12-2017 1385960 Apr-12-2017 03, 09, 10, 11, 18, 20, 25, 27, 28, 35, 38, 41, 44
ASHLEY BLACK'S (WIPO) India Published Apr-12-2017 Apr-12-2017 03, 09, 10, 11, 18, 20, 25, 27, 28, 35, 38, 41, 44
ASHLEY BLACK'S (WIPO) Mexico Registered Apr-12-2017 2036371 Sep-11-2019 9
ASHLEY BLACK'S (WIPO) Mexico Registered Apr-12-2017 2036372 Sep-11-2019 10
ASHLEY BLACK'S (WIPO) Mexico Registered Apr-12-2017 2036373 Sep-11-2019 27
ASHLEY BLACK'S (WIPO) Mexico Registered Apr-12-2017 2036374 Sep-11-2019 28
ASHLEY BLACK'S (WIPO) Mexico Registered Apr-12-2017 2036375 Sep-11-2019 35
ASHLEY BLACK'S (WIPO) Mexico Registered Apr-12-2017 2036376 Sep-11-2019 38
ASHLEY BLACK'S (WIPO) Mexico Registered Apr-12-2017 2036377 Sep-11-2019 41
ASHLEY BLACK'S (WIPO) Mexico Registered Apr-12-2017 2036378 Sep-11-2019 44
ASHLEY BLACK'S FASCIAYOGA Argentina Published May-17-2017 41
ASHLEY BLACK'S FASCIAYOGA Brazil Published May-16-2017 912725893 Jan-08-2019 41
ASHLEY BLACK'S FASCIAYOGA Canada Registered May-12-2017 TMA1049409 August 15 2019 41
ASHLEY BLACK'S FASCIAYOGA Madrid Protocol Registered May-12-2017 1353480 May-12-2017 41
ASHLEY BLACK'S FASCIAYOGA United Arab Emirates Published Jun-19-2017 311979 Jul-31-1019 9
ASHLEY BLACK'S FASCIAYOGA United States of America Published August-27-2019 9
ASHLEY BLACK'S FASCIAYOGA (WIPO) Australia Registered May-12-2017 1856839 May-12-2017 41
ASHLEY BLACK'S FASCIAYOGA (WIPO) Australia Registered May-12-2017 1469336 December-9-2019 9
ASHLEY BLACK'S FASCIAYOGA (WIPO) China Registered May-12-2017 1353480 May-12-2017 41
ASHLEY BLACK'S FASCIAYOGA (WIPO) Colombia Registered May-12-2017 1353480 May-12-2017 41
ASHLEY BLACK'S FASCIAYOGA (WIPO) European Community Published May-12-2017 WO0000001469336 August-13-2019 9
ASHLEY BLACK'S FASCIAYOGA (WIPO) European Community Registered May-12-2017 1353480 May-12-2017 41
ASHLEY BLACK'S FASCIAYOGA (WIPO) India Registered May-12-2017 3586819 May-12-2017 41
BILLIONAIRE HEALTHCARE United States of America Registered Oct-08-2015 4960352 May-17-2016 41
BLASTER United States of America Registered Oct-26-2016 5434240 Mar-27-2018 10
BLASTER OIL United States of America Registered Nov-24-2015 5162235 Mar-14-2017 3
FACEBLASTER Argentina Published Apr-24-2017 10
FACEBLASTER Brazil Registered Apr-13-2017 912586745 Oct-16-2018 10
FACEBLASTER Canada Registered Apr-25-2017 TMA1049424 Aug 15 10
FACEBLASTER Hong Kong Registered Jun-08-2017 304166505 Oct-25-2017 10
FACEBLASTER Madrid Protocol Registered Apr-12-2017 1351802 Apr-12-2017 10
FACEBLASTER United Arab Emirates Published Apr-20-2017 10
FACEBLASTER United States of America Registered Oct-26-2016 5392638 Jan-30-2018 10
FACEBLASTER (WIPO) Australia Registered Apr-12-2017 1855236 Apr-12-2017 10
FACEBLASTER (WIPO) Colombia Registered Apr-12-2017 1351802 Apr-12-2017 10
FACEBLASTER (WIPO) European Community Registered Apr-12-2017 1351802 Apr-12-2017 10
FACEBLASTER (WIPO) India Registered Apr-12-2017 1351802 Jun-28-2019 10
FACEBLASTER (WIPO) Mexico Registered Apr-12-2017 1872907 Apr-12-2017 10
FACEBLASTER (WIPO) United Kingdom Registered Oct-18-2017 1351802 Apr-12-2017 10
FASCIABLASTER Argentina Registered Jan-22-2016 2859213 Dec-26-2016 10
FASCIABLASTER Brazil Registered Jan-21-2016 910542791 Jul-31-2018 10
FASCIABLASTER Canada Registered Jan-21-2016 TMA983044 Oct-17-2017 10
FASCIABLASTER Hong Kong Registered Jun-08-2017 304166497 Oct-25-2017 10=
FASCIABLASTER India Registered Mar-28-2016 3220486 Mar-28-2016 10
FASCIABLASTER Madrid Protocol Registered Jan-21-2016 1290120 Jan-21-2016 10
FASCIABLASTER United Arab Emirates Registered Mar-06-2016 249775 Jan-02-2018 10
FASCIABLASTER United States of America Registered Jul-21-2015 4940753 Apr-19-2016 10
FASCIABLASTER (WIPO) Australia Registered Jan-21-2016 1756199 Jan-21-2016 10
FASCIABLASTER (WIPO) Colombia Registered Jan-21-2016 1290120 Jan-21-2016 10
FASCIABLASTER (WIPO) European Community Registered Jan-21-2016 1290120 Jan-21-2016 10
FASCIABLASTER (WIPO) Mexico Registered Jan-21-2016 1719365 Jan-21-2016 10
FASCIABLASTER (WIPO) United Kingdom Registered Oct-18-2017 1290120 Jan-21-2016 10
MISCELLANEOUS DESIGN (BAR AND CLAW DESIGN) (3D) UAE Registered Dec-4-2018 302633 Mar-31-2019 10
PADDLEBLASTER United Kingdom Registered Oct-17-2018 1435412 Mar-6-2019 10
PADDLEBLASTER China Registered Nov-22-2018 1435412 Mar-7-2019 10
PADDLEBLASTER Australia Registered Dec-7-2018 302633 Apr-3-2019 10
PADDLEBLASTER EU Registered Oct-17-2018 1435412 Apr-24-2019 10
THE WRITING OF THE BOOK US Published Jul-30-2020 90082704 Dec-8-2020
FASCIATABS US Published Aug-21-2020 90129180 Dec-8-2020

Notice of Ashley Black’s Patent Coverage of Treatment Tools and Other Treatment Products

Products Country Status U.S. Patent Numbers
FasciaBlaster USA Registered D735,818; 10,322,057; D952,880
FaceBlaster USA Registered D777,939; 10,322,057; D952,880
Big Daddy USA Registered D850,641; 10,322,057; D952,880
MasterBlaster USA Registered D819,826; 10,322,057; D952,880
Mini-2 USA Registered D790,724; 10,322,057; D952,880
Mini-1 USA Registered D776,824; D952,880
PaddleBlaster USA Registered D819,825
Mini PaddleBlaster USA Registered D949,374
Blaster Oil USA Registered 9,687,441
AfterBlaster Cream USA Registered 9,730,972